Monday, January 25, 2016 - How to Naturally Whiten Skin at Home

If you’d like your skin to be paler, using natural items can lighten it a few shades without the harsh side effects that come with chemical whitening products. The simple practice of staying out of the sun will also keep your skin from getting darker.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 - How to Get Great Looking Skin

Stress, diet, and lifestyle all play factors in the condition of your skin. With so many products to maintain healthy looking skin under all this, the decision to use which one can be overwhelming.

Thursday, January 7, 2016 - Anti aging skin care tips

Wrinkles are natural and start appearing as and when we reach a certain age. Wrinkles or fine lines appear on the skin due to loosening of skin. But, pre-ageing is due to genetic or other factors such as lifestyle, habits and diet to name a few.

The sooner you follow a healthy and balanced diet, the healthier world skin will be. A healthy diet also gives a healthy and wrinkle-free skin, it also adds to internal peace and happiness.

Ageing is inevitable, but one can stop pre-mature ageing using various remedies. There are many secrets to a wrinkle-free skin.

1.    Follow a good food regime

Your food regime plays a crucial part to give a healthy and flawless skin. If you maintain a healthy skin, it will not show early ageing signs.
a)    Try to cleanse your face twice a day, in the morning and before going the bed. When choosing a cleanser avoid using the one which contains alcohol or a drying agent which damages the skin. Cleanser keeps the skin soft and free of pore-clogging debris.
b)    A moisturizer is another important product which you should never ignore. Apply a quality moisturizer all over the face and neck, twice a day.

2.    Apply sunscreen

Often, we do not wear a sunscreen during cloudy days or in winters. But, avoiding a sunscreen can have ill-effect on the skin. Experts say that one should not step out without wearing a good sunscreen. You can look at The Derm Reviews for further knowledge on how to take care of your skin.  

SPF 15 or above is recommended to apply or over the exposed parts f the body.

3.    Get your beauty sleep

Along with good diet and care, your body needs adequate sleep. You will be surprised to know that sleep is considered to be the most rejuvenating treatment to maintain youthful body and mind.

When you sleep, the level of adrenaline and stereoscopic drops and body starts produces the growth hormone. Also, at this time, the growth and repair process of cells occurs.

Moreover, a good health regime reduces the mood and reduces the risks of heart attack and stroke. To know more about the skin care treatments you can check The Derm Reviews.  

A healthy skin and boy live in a healthy mind. So, always maintain inner peace by meditation and yoga.   - How to Make a Mask that Dries out Pimples

Everyone hates acne, but most individuals get it once in a while. This article will show you how to dry out pimples and get rid of oily skin.

Thursday, December 24, 2015 - How to Tighten Skin

1 Exfoliate your skin. You may not realize it, but exfoliating your skin does more than just freshening it by removing dead skin cells. It also stimulates your circulation in the area so that your skin gets the vital nutrients and oxygen it needs to renew itself.

Dry brushing is an excellent exfoliation technique, and it's also inexpensive. Buy a body brush made with natural fibers, available at your local beauty supply or drugstore. Use the following technique for best results:

Brush your skin in the morning before you take a shower. Both your skin and the brush should be dry.
Use long strokes to brush your legs and arms. Work your way from your feet to your thighs, then from your hands to your shoulders, always brushing toward your hands in the direction your blood circulates.
Concentrate on areas where your skin is loose. Don't forget your stomach and buttocks.

Exfoliating gels and scrubs can also be effective. Buy a product from the store, or make your own scrub using brown sugar, honey and other natural ingredients.

Mineral and salt scrubs are also great for tightening skin. Scrub yourself in the shower, then rinse away the salt.

2 Use oil to keep your skin hydrated. After showering, applying a coat of oil helps trap the moisture in your skin, which improves its elasticity.

Baby oil is inexpensive and easy to find. Castor oil and almond oil are also great for your skin.
Try adding a few drops of oil to your bath. Your skin will get infused with oil as you relax.

3 Try a skin-firming cream or lotion. Look for products containing vitamin A, vitamin E, and collagen, all of which help tighten the skin.

Apply the cream or lotion at least once a day, concentrating on the areas that need tightening.
Aloe is a great natural skin tightener; look for lotions that contain it, or apply pure aloe to your skin.

4 Use a skin mask. The same masks designed to strengthen the skin on your face can be used on your thighs, stomach and arms. Buy a mask from the store or make one yourself and use it once or twice a week in the areas you're trying to tighten.

Friday, December 11, 2015 - How to Make Your Skin Glow in Minutes

Nothing makes you feel as confident as having glowing, radiant skin. Great skin makes you look younger and feel healthier no matter what your age or physical condition. Plus, many ways of taking care of your skin give you the opportunity for some serious pampering. So go ahead--make your skin glow. You deserve to look and feel fabulous.

1. Exfoliate your face gently. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, impurities and excess oil while preparing your skin for cleansing and toning.

After scrubbing, use a cleanser on your skin. Gently massage your skin in circular motions for a few minutes to promote blood circulation, to remove makeup and to eliminate excess oil, or sebum.

Many cleansers contain exfoliating beads or other ingredients that allow you to accomplish both tasks at once. Just avoid cleansers that have drying ingredients like deodorants, colors or fragrances. Also, skip cleansers that have "antibacterial" on the label.

2. Pour some toner onto some cotton batting. Rub the toner over your face until no excess dirt remains.

3. Apply a good moisturizer with natural oils such as rosemary or almond. Massage the cream into your skin for hydration and a dewy look.

Use a moisturizer with at least SPF 15 to prevent premature aging from sun exposure.

Look for moisturizer containing humectants like glycerin, propylene glycol or urea. Humectants attract water when you apply them to your skin and improve its hydration.

Choose moisturizers with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs). AHAs improve dead skin cell turnover, which results in decreased dryness, acne, wrinkles and age spots.

Switch moisturizers according to the season. In the summer, use a lighter product. In the winter, choose something thicker and heavier.

4. Use the same family of products. If you use 1 brand of cleanser, choose your toning and moisturizing products from the same brand. Taking a unified approach is often better for your skin, because mixed brands don't always interact well with one another.

Thursday, November 5, 2015 - How to Care for the Face in Winter

1 Hydrate. 

Healthy, moisturized, and supple facial skin is impossible during any month of the year without proper body hydration. By taking care of your skin's hydration needs throughout the year, you will enter winter with your skin at its optimal condition.

Hydration begins from the inside out. Our bodies are comprised mostly of water, and we need to take in a large quantity of water each day to replenish what we lose through sweat, waste, and energy.
You can calculate your water needs by taking your weight in pounds and dividing it by two. That number, in ounces, is how much water you need for a day when you are working indoors and mostly sedentary. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you need 60 ounces of water. Increase the amount of water if you will be doing strenuous work or exercise, or if it is hot enough to make you sweat.
2 Protect your skin. 

Using sunscreen every day throughout the year, particularly in the sunniest months, helps to protect your skin from sun damage, which in turn gives you the best chance at healthy skin going into winter.

On days when you don't plan to spend much time outdoors, use an SPF 15 or 30[1] sunscreen as part of your daily skincare routine, especially on your face. Use an SPF 50 if you will be outdoors for more than an hour.
If you're not sure what level of SPF to use, remember that SPF numbers tell you how many minutes you can be in direct sun without burning. Basically, if no sunscreen means you can be outdoors one minute without sun damage, an SPF of 15 means you have 15 minutes before you would have sun damage
Some makeup products like foundation or tinted moisturizer contain sunscreen, but the thin layer that is typically applied does not provide enough coverage on its own. Be sure you apply sunscreen before applying makeup. In order to avoid a greasy or caked appearance, let the sunscreen soak in for a few minutes before adding the makeup.

3. Eat a healthy diet. 

Your skin's health depends on a variety of factors, one of which is the diet that you consume. Eating the right balance of nutrients throughout the year can help keep your skin at its healthiest as you head into winter.

Be sure that your diet is high in omega-3s and DHA, which you can get from eating oily fish like tuna or salmon. If you don't eat a lot of fish, supplement with DHA capsules.
Eat foods containing other healthy oils, like nuts, olive oil, coconuts and coconut oil, and butter. Avoid fried foods, saturated fats, and foods containing high amounts of sugar, which can wreak havoc on your skin's health and appearance.
Eat foods containing selenium. Selenium is a mineral, and research suggests it protects your skin from sun damage caused by free radicals. Some foods that are high in selenium include Brazil nuts, shrimp, lamb, and button mushrooms.You can also take a selenium supplement, available at most pharmacies and health food stores.
Be sure you eat a diet containing antioxidants, which can also reduce damage to the skin. Colorful fruits and vegetables like berries, peppers, and beets are high in antioxidants.